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The Naked Eye art opening

My show The Naked Eye opened on Friday, March 2 at Faust in Santa Cruz, and it was quite a party! Big thank you to everyone who shared their time and talents to help create such a memorable event. To the staff at Faust, thank you for letting me take over your space. I couldn’t have asked for a better venue! Denese, Brenda, and all my Open Ground Studios family who totally rocked the body painting, you made the night that much more colorful and you also made me feel very lucky to be part of such a generous and supportive community. Robert, Ken, and Stuart, you guys worked so hard all night and I couldn’t have done it without you - so glad you are part of our project. And Dennis and Robert, thanks for showing up in all your stylish glory and making the evening (and after-party) such a blast. Check out all the photos from the event on Facebook here

Listen to my interview about the show on Out in Santa Cruz here (February 24 episode) and my interview with Our Queer Experience here

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